Most people tend to slow down around the holidays and spend a little extra time with family. There are also a lot of memories being created around the holidays with Thanksgiving spent around the table sharing a meal together, perhaps seeing family and or friends that you haven’t seen in awhile. Then comes Christmas time seeing the joy on children’s faces, the excitement and new memories created and made, photographs taken and the cookies baked. All of the excitement dies down but it doesn’t have to.
Did you know there are only 1040 Sundays between your baby’s birth and him/her turning 20. When you look at that number it certainly doesn’t seem like a lot of time and if you are a parent you already know how fast the time goes by. How are you spending those Saturdays and how are you creating memories? The memories created are not only just for the parents to hold onto but they are memories that your children will also cherish and will serve as an integral part of their childhood.
Children are beaming with happiness and smiles and as they continue to grow up your role as a parent is to continue to create that special bond and relationship with them, to listen to them to give them validation and love and to slow down and spend time. We want to inspire you to capture more memories together and showcase some fun ideas and ways to bond. Perhaps it’s not a full day that you are able to spend together but sometimes it’s just about quality and making an impact in their lives.
Here are some helpful tips to continue to bring joy and memories into the new year.
- No Regrets Parenting: Everyday you should wake up and have the mentality of no regrets. It’s not always easy, but sometimes you look back and think why did I obsess over feeding and sleeping schedules, why did I choose to be on my phone and not observe my baby seeing something for the first time. Waking up with the attitude that each day you will maximize the time you have with your child.
- Quality vs. Quantity: Days are busy and time flies by most days, but if you can lay out a game plan of 10 minutes each morning to read a book or bathtime in the evening to create not only routine but to create those memories that you will look back on.
- Weekends: A Saturday or Sunday is a great day to set aside as a day dedicated to your child (children). Perhaps one of those days doesn't work for you, set aside another day or a half day that is just for your child (children). You don’t have to go anywhere together. It could be as simple as playing music and dancing, cooking together, eating a meal together, coloring together or taking a walk depending on their age and interests.
- Favorite memory/moment Journal: This is more about the parent, take 2 minutes to journal down one day a week the biggest memory from that week, if you have time to do it everyday do it - but it’s important to set realistic goals that a simple once a week you can look back and remember that moment.
Take Pictures/Videos: Of course you’ve heard it a million times but do it - you have that one day and that one time and it’s gone - it’s so easy to grab a quick photo or video and if you are trying to go without technology that’s ok too and that’s where the journal comes in.
You blink and they are a month older - slow down and enjoy the hard and long days. Take a deep breath and remember that they are looking to you for love. Loving your children is the most rewarding thing and seeing the world through their eyes allows you to be a kid again. Carry the joy of the holiday season all year long and set intentions and goals to ensure that you are maximizing memories and moments with your children.
Share with us any tips on how you plan to create memories in 2022.
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